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The Golden Plains Area Extension Program is a joint effort of the counties in Colorado's Northeastern Plains.

Family & Consumer Science   arrow

From the homes we live in and the work that we do to our families and other relationships, you’ll find Extension resources to help you navigate issues, concerns and needs. Whether you have a question about health, financial literacy, energy efficiency, elder or child-care issues, you’ll find the latest, most accurate data.


GPA Extension FCS Programs and Resources

Healthier Weigh


Colorado State University Extension, Family and Consumer Science Agents of northeast Colorado have historically partnered with local entities to join in the fight against Diabetes. Now, with the help of technology these educational opportunities are not just limited to the northeast area of Colorado, but across the whole state and nationally with the implementation of a Diabetes Webinar Series. Doctors, professors, Diabetes educators and other healthcare professionals are able to share their expertise about diagnosis of, treatment of and management of Diabetes. All webinars are recorded, archived and links posted for viewing anytime.

Click Here to print a copy of the flyer.

Food Safety

Money Matters

Experiencing Loss of Income can be Devastating

Financial, mental, physical, emotional and relational health are key components of well-being. Stable and successful individuals, families, and communities are important to the growth, development and health of our society. When people are in a state of financial and relational wellness, they are in control, confident and focused. They have greater balance and stability so they can concentrate on the most important tasks at hand such a weathering difficulties and making progress toward their goals. Family and financial stability education creates strong communities.

GPA Family and Consumer Science Agents will be partnering with local banks to provide information for families to develop savings plans. The America Saves web site is  The following links provide more information you can work with now.

Tips to Grow Savings

Make a Pledge and a Plan

Annie's Project

Annie’s Project Events in Colorado

Annie’s Story

Annie’s Project – Education for Farm Women

A Sample Annie’s Project Course Curriculum

For more information about future programs, contact Jamie Axtell at 970-345-2287 or Jenny Beiermann at 970-241-3346. 

Strengthening Families

Click here to register for the 2024 Strengthening Families through Eventbrite.

Spanish – Click here to find program and local contact information. Click here for the registration form.

English – Click here to find program and local contact information. Click here for the registration form.

Senior Access Points

Senior Access Points needs feedback from Colorado residents. Colorado State University Extension is building a website to help Coloradans access aging-related information and supports in their communities.  Click HERE for the press release.

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