Livestock Production
Welcome to the Golden Plains Area, Livestock Production page, your resource for information, research and news for your livestock operation.

The new Pasture to Profit Podcast has been launched. Extension Livestock Specialists Travis Taylor and Scott Stinnett, along with guest speakers, will discuss timely topics of the livestock industry.
Listen on Podbean, Amazon Music or iHeart Radio
Pasture to Profit Podcasts Archived Episodes
- Episode 1 – Preparing for Calving Season
- Episode 2 – Newborn Calf Health Management
- Episode 3 – Bull Selection
- Episode 4 – Bull Management
- Episode 5 – BQA During Branding
- Episode 6 – Cow Herd Nutrition
- Episode 7 – Cattle Water Needs
Listen to Pasture to Profit Podcast on:

The Total Ranch Analysis for Colorado (T.R.A.C.) report was recently released. The purpose of this report is to describe production and financial benchmarks for cow-calf operations in Colorado. For more information and to read the T.R.A.C. report, click HERE.
New Rangeland Carrying Capacity App Now Available
Estimating stocking rate is one of the most important aspects of sustainable rangeland management. The new Rangelands Carrying Capacity App streamlines this process. This app draws on publicly available data sources for precipitation, drought, and forage production. The user can then get an estimate of the number of grazing animals, use days, or Animal Unit Months (AUMs)
To go to the Rangeland Carry Capacity App click HERE

Current Topics, News, Information and Resources
Preparing Bulls for Breeding Season (4/7/2022)
Moving Up Breeding Season (5/24/2021)
Beef Breeding Season Preparation (4/21/2021)
Prepare for Calving Season (1/7/2021)
Tips for Achieving Higher A.I. Conception
Whole Soybeans and Conception Rates
Nutrition and Feeds
Hay Waste Is Money On The Ground (12/20/2022)
Calculating Water for Cattle (6/17/2021)
Down Corn (10/28/2020)
Grazing Corn Stalks (10/28/2020)
Nitrate Testing Only as Good as the Sample (10/6/2020)
Utilizing High-Nitrate Forages (9/18/2020)
Nitrates in Livestock Feeds (7/22/2020)
Toxic Forages: Nitrate and Prussic Acid Toxicity (10/18/2022)
Handling and Use of Cattle Vaccines (3/31/2021)
Animal Biosecurity Guidance for CSU Extension
Drought, Plan Your Response (7/15/2020)
Mouthing Cows for Culling (9/29/2020)
Cattle Processing in an Unusual Year
Beef Quality Assurance

Beef Quality Assurance is a nationally coordinated, state implemented program that provides systematic information to U.S. beef producers and beef consumers on how common sense husbandry techniques can be coupled with accepted scientific knowledge to raise cattle under optimum management and environmental conditions. Click on the logo for information and upcoming programs.
Culling Cows During Drought (10/1/2022)
Proper Preconditioning for Better Pricing (9/13/2022)
An Opportunity in Feeding Cull Cows (10/14/2021)
Market Cull Cows Sooner Than Later (5/3/2021)
Drought Mgmt Tools

Drought Advisors: Make a Plan for Drought in 2021
With a second year of drought looming in 2021, Colorado agricultural producers face production and financial risks, as well as uncertainty for their agricultural livelihood. This year, farmers and ranchers around Colorado can call/text (970) 988-0043 or email to be connected to resources and address the impacts of drought on their operation.
In a new partnership among Colorado State University Extension, Rocky Mountain Farmers Union, Colorado Ag Water Alliance, CSU’s Agricultural Experiment Station, and Colorado Department of Agriculture, farmers and ranchers can access a new service called ‘Drought Advisors’ to create a drought contingency plan, and be connected with resources to increase drought resilience in the long and short term. “While many experts and services already exist, the goal of this partnership is to reduce the burden for producers of sifting through legal, agronomic, hydrological, and other types of expertise relevant to minimizing risk in drought,” says CSU Extension’s Retta Bruegger, one of the co-organizers. “For those worried about drought in 2021, we hope to streamline connections to topical experts who can be sounding boards for taking action this year and beyond.”
The partnership hopes to reduce the stress of responding to drought by thinking through contingencies in advance, and prompt producers to take action that reduces potential financial losses and ecological consequences. Producers can get connected with a “Drought Advisor” by calling or texting (970) 988-0043 or emailing

What You Need to Know About Climate Change and Beef Cattle
CSU and CCA host an informational webinar that will help producers better understand and be prepared to engage in the climate change/Green House Gas discussion around livestock. CSU’s own Dr. Kim Stackhouse-Lawson as well as other industry leaders will, in a panel format, discuss issues and answer questions on the Climate Change issues pointed at beef and livestock production in Colorado and the nation.
To view the recorded webinar, click HERE.
Drought 2021
It is no secret that 2020 was dry, and 2021 isn’t starting off well. It is past time to be thinking about drought and its effects on Eastern Colorado. Colorado State University Golden Plains Area Extension, with support of the Yuma and Yuma County Conservation Districts is presenting a virtual education informational video opportunity for producers. Drought 2021, “Ideas around the Table” discusses important topics related to drought. It includes a long range weather outlook, grassland management information, alternative forages for grazing options, and information on tools and decision aids for finalizing drought plans.
To view the videos, click HERE

Drought and Beef Marketing Discussion
Extension specialists, USDA ARS scientists and ranchers from Colorado and Wyoming recently discussed long-term and short-term forecast tools for predicting range land forage production, and beef market outlook during this ongoing 2020 drought. This video discussion features: Annie Overlin – CSU Extension Range Mgmt Specialist, Kevin Jablonski- CSU Range Extension, Justin Derner- USDA-ARS, David Augustine-USDA-ARS, Dannele Peck-USDA-ARS, John Ritten- UW Dept. of Ag and Resource Economics, Associate Professor, Steve Oswald and Kenny Burk- southern CO ranchers.
The planning and measurement tools available to producers presented in this session are helpful to land managers to navigate the current drought environment and plan for future recovery efforts.
Click HERE to see the video presentation.
Better with Beef

Better with Beef Happy Hour
Join us for these informative conversations regarding your beef herd management. To view the 2022 recorded sessions, Click Here

Better with Beef Happy Hour
Join us for these informative conversations regarding your beef herd management. To view the 2021 recorded sessions, click HERE

Colorado Beef Research Report
Want to know what CSU beef researchers have been doing? In the Colorado Beef Research Report you can find out about the highlights of beef research going on at CSU.
Small Flock Sheep Producer’s Resource
A new resource has been created by CSU Extension. Raising a Small Flock of Sheep is an informative resource whether you are raising 4-H sheep projects or wanting to diversify and add sheep to your operation.